How to get out of the RED and start having better financial health in your life

Kimberly Dameri
2 min readJan 6, 2021

Are you spending more than you are making? There are three things you can do about this. The first is the easiest to do and more often chosen over the others because of the ease. It is to do nothing about it and continue on how you are with no concern in the world. If that sounds like you — then this isn’t for you, because I actually want to share my experiences and help.

So what can you actually do about this? First, you can ask yourself if you can cut back on your lifestyle and still be comfortable. If you can — awesome! Do that and you are good to go! On the other hand, if you’ve cut back as much as you possibly can and are still in the red (a finance term that means your output is more than your input), you want to move onto the next step. That my friends may be the most difficult step because that requires a change in how much you are making.

Now keep in mind — hustling is great, but a former antagonist of mine gave me the most valuable piece of advice that I still carry around to this very day. It is that you should:

“Work smarter and not harder.”

Basically what that means is that the things that are meant for you will come easily and you shouldn’t have to struggle for it. What that means for your finances, is that you shouldn’t be breaking your back just to make ends meet. You won’t live a good and happy life doing that so why bother?

So what can I do right now about my finance issue? If you like your job and want to keep it but are not making enough to support you/ you and your family — research passive income streams and find the one (or several) that work for you. My favorites to date are: stock investing, high-interest savings accounts, or start an LLC that you can do from the comfort of your home with minimal effort.

If you don’t like your job — invest in yourself and a better education to get that job you want. Don’t know what to do? Do some meditating and find out what your SOUL wants for you. Too spiritual for you? Make a list, number it, and roll the dice. If what it lands on isn’t your flavor — cross it off and roll again until you find one that sounds good for you. Kind of like the process of elimination but with a hint of randomness.

Don’t like my suggestions? Do your own research and find something better that works for you in your life.



Kimberly Dameri

Hello Friends! I am a new writer and intuitive heyoka empath. If you like: spooky, spiritual, or metaphysical type stories - you are in the right place!